miércoles, 26 de octubre de 2011

MacMillan: Seven Last Words from the Cross

MacMillan: Seven Last Words from the Cross:

Performer: Christopher Bowers-Broadbent
Orchestra: Polyphony, London Chamber Orchestra
Conductor: Stephen Layton
Composer: James MacMillan
Audio CD (11 April 1995)
Number of Discs: 1
Label: Catalyst
Format: FLAC

1. Father, forgive them, for they know not what they do
2. Woman, Behold thy son!... Behold thy Mother!
3. Verily, I say unto thee, today thou shalt be with me in Paradise
4. Eli, Eli, lama sabachthani (My God, my God, why have you forsaken me)
5. I thirst
6. It is finished
7. Father, into Thy hands I commend my Spirit
8. Identity
9. Virgin of Guadelupe
10. Sun Stone

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